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• New molded reinforced shorter tip only 5⁄8" prevents paddle head from breaking apart. Poker Tip is handy to poke an animal without bruising as well as pushing swinging gates closed. It also provides extra protection against friction wear on hard surfaces. • Two pop rivets to secure paddle head to shaft. • New shorter neck puts less stress on the paddle head. • Paddle head comes in assorted colors only and is constructed of high density polyethylene. • Paddle head is 6" wide and 12" long. • The Stix and Paddle shafts are made of a vinyl coated fiberglass to eliminate shattering and splintering. • 180 degree flexible.

Rattle Paddle, 6" x 12" x 48"

SKU: RP200

    Elite AG Supply

    Please Email for more information

    Elite Supply is a dealer for the products listed in this store. We are not responsible for the mishandling or usage of the products. Some products are shipped straight from the manufacture, we will not be responsible for manufacture defects or mistakes, including privately or corporate owned truck drivers, If you are not satisfied with our product please email for questions or concerns. ES estimates the cost of shipping according to the information provided by shipping companies we use.  Please allow 24 hours for your order to be filled. ES is not responsible for the tardiness of delivery persons not employed by ES. ES is not responsible for damage done to product while in transit. If the product you ordered is not what you received, you will have 24 hours post-delivery to contact ES for further action. Otherwise, the product will not be able to be returned. Unless otherwise written in product description ES is not the manufacture of these products, we are a dealer for these products. As a third party company we do not directly deliver many of these products for delivery questions we are here to answer but cannot legally answer any questions regarding product mishandle or spillage. ES is not responsible for any third-party delivery persons and cannot take any legal responsibility for said persons. 

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